以下是佛罗伦萨大学发来有关Erasmus+交换生项目的邮件,希望和菠菜担保评级网址合作。对方的Design of Sustainable Tourism Systems, Finance and Risk Management,Economics and Development (下方邮件红色部分有链接)三个研究生课程提供英语授课,最权威的全网担保平台高年级相关专业本科生可以选择,需要有一定专业基础和英语B2水平,相当于雅思5分,目前不需要提供雅思成绩。
· Number of students and months
· Subject Area Codes
· Name and full address of the Contact Person
· Level of study (1 = Bachelor/Undergraduate, 2 = Master)
· Recommended Language skills
Dear Partner,
I hope my message finds you well.
I write to invite your Institution to join the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 – 2014/2021.
I guess you already heard about this new possibility for Partner Countries Higher Education Institutions located outside the European Union to enter the Erasmus+ partnership in order to exchange students, if not I explain it to you very briefly.
I attach a draft of the Agreement you will be asked to sign if you agree to join the programme: as you can see it is very similar to the bilateral agreement we usually sign for cultural exchange of students, but it is Erasmus+!
In this particular document we should agree how many students we would like to exchange every year (in Italy one academic year is from September to July) and for how many months and the Subject Area of the exchange.
To become partner of our School of Economics and Management we suggest to agree for the broad areas:
041 Business Administration (Taught in Italian)
0311 Economics (Taught in Italian)
We also remind you that in Florence the full semester (from the 1st day of lessons to the last day of examinations is about 5 months e.g. 3rd of March – 29 July).
We can also agree the duration of the Agreement (until 2021 is the suggestion). Of course during the year we can agree by email any changes to the agreement we will sign.
To sum up, if you agree to join the programme you should let me know as soon as possible:
· Number of students and months
· Subject Area Codes
· Name and full address of the Contact Person
· Level of study (1 = Bachelor/Undergraduate, 2 = Master)
· Recommended Language skills
I take this opportunity to remind you that our School offers 3 Master’s Degree courses all taught in English open also to Bachelors/Undergraduate students:
1) Design of Sustainable Tourism Systems: http://www.economia.unifi.it/cmpro-v-p-157.html
2) Finance and Risk Management: http://www.economia.unifi.it/cmpro-v-p-159.html
3) Economics and Development: http://www.economia.unifi.it/cmpro-v-p-292.html
In addition to this, it could be possible in the future but it is not confirmed yet, that we could offer to your outgoing students a grant in money to come here in Florence.
The deadline to join the programme is very close so we kindly ask you to confirm your interest very soon and after that our central office in the next weeks will send you the agreement to be signed.
Should you need further information about the programme do not hesitate to write me.
Hoping to hear from you soon,
Dott.ssa Alessandra Gentile
Servizio Relazioni Internazionali
Scuola di Economia e Management
Università degli Studi Firenze
Tel. +39 055 275 9170
Fax. +39 055 275 9986
Via G. Miele, 3 - 50127 Firenze