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欧洲联合暑期学校"Doing Business Across Europe"等你来报名!


This Joint Summer School Program on Doing Business Across Europe is organized in partnership with 3 universities in Europe. The program will last a total of 3 weeks – in three different European countries: Germany, the Netherlands and Spain.

This program is designed for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students. It aims at giving students a first-hand insight on the future of doing business responsibly and covers current trends and issues in the field of business ethics, circular economy and entrepreneurship & innovation.

During three weeks students learn about current and future trends that shape business in Europe and experience Europe to the fullest in Germany, the Netherlands & Spain.

At Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences students will work with the topic of Business Ethics. At Windesheim University of Applied Sciences students will work with the topics Circular Economy and  Supply Chain Finance. At LaSalle University student work with the topics Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management.

The programmes consist of project based learning in smaller groups and include fields trips to local renowned companies.

More information about the day to day programme and the specific course description can be found here.

Interested parties can go to Business School room A225 to contact teacher Chen Lei.

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